Thursday, April 17, 2008

Become a Knowledgeable Buyer of Medical Services = . . . Our New Website!

Last week the health system of which I am pleased and proud to serve as CEO started an ad campaign to help provide consumers with access to pricing information. Our motivation was simple: a win –win situation.

For many of the services we provide, our prices charged to both our insurance companies and consumers have been kept lower than those of many of our competitors for the past several years.

As a Community hospital struggling to make more than a 2% operating margin, we hope to drive more business here, particularly in the areas in which we offer some of the best equipment and prices around -- yet people don’t know how, nor do they have the information they need to shop. Once they experience the value ACH offers and they meet the colleagues who practice and provide the services here, I am confident we will create even more loyal customers.

How ironic: Today I look at an Explanation of Benefits (service) on an x-ray for one of my immediate family members. Of course, this service was performed out of town in one of the most expensive areas of health care in the state, Toledo. The list price here in Alliance is $91.00 for that service, while, at the hospital in Toledo, it’s $249.00. Naturally, my family member’s deductible is not any where near being met, so what will we end up paying?

Well according to my EOB, if the service had been provided here, my plan would have covered 100% of the charge at an in-network facility -- it would have paid the full $91.00. But, with regard to the out-of-network facility, I will find out later. My plan did inform me that the usual and customary charge would be $109 – which means that $140 of the list price in Toledo would not even have been paid. I sure wish I’d have known, in advance, which outpatient center to send this family member to --since we will end up paying cash.

Please email me or comment on my blog if you have questions on how to become a knowledgeable buyer of medical services -- and let us learn together.

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